Track List
CD 1
1. Lift High The Cross
2. Alleluia, Sing To Jesus
3. Deep And Wide
4. What A Friend We Have In Jesus
5. The Church Is One Foundation
6. Immortal Invisible
7. Come Thou Fount
8. God of Our fathers
9. Saviour Like A Shepherd
10. Fairest Lord Jesus
11. Joshua Fought The Battle
12. For The Beauty of The Earth
13. Jesus Loves Me
14. We Worship And Adore
15. Come Christians Join To Sing
16. Precious Lord
17. O Master, Let Me Walk With Thee
18. Kumbayah
19. Be Thou My Vision
20. Leaning On The Everlasting Arms
21. Brightest And Best
22. We Gather Together
23. O God Our Help
24. Lift Up Your Heads
25. Wade In The Water
26. Breathe On Me
27. What Wondrous Love
28. We Are Marching
29. For All The Saints
30. All Night, All Day
31. I’ve Got Peace
32. O Worship The King
33. This Little Light
34. Jesus In The Morning
CD 2
1. Christ Is Made The Sure Foundation
2. Now Thank We All Our God
3. Holy, Holy, Holy
4. Holy God We Praise Thy Name
5. Jesus Is My Lord
6. Jesus Loves The Little Children
7. All Things Bright And Beautiful
8. Shall We Gather At The River
9. Lead On O King
10. God Is So Good
11. Go Down Moses
12. Rejoice The Lord
13. O Sacred Head
14. Let All Things Now Living
15. ‘Tis A Gift
16. All Creatures of Our God And King
17. Lord I Want To Be A Christian
18. Spring Up O Well
19. Dona Nobis Pacem
20. A Mighty Fortress
21. He’s Got The Whole World In His Hands
22. O For A Thousand Tongues To Sing
23. Joyful, Joyful
24. Be Still And Know
25. The B-I-B-L-E
26. Just As I Am
27. When The Saints Go Marching In
28. There Is A Balm In Gilead
29. Hallelu, Hallelujah
30. I Heard The Voice of Jesus
31. Ride On Jesus
32. America The Beautiful
33. Give Me Jesus
CD 3
1. Beautiful Saviour
2. When Morning Gilds The Skies
3. Blessed Feasts
4. Crown Him With Many Crowns
5. Faith of Our Fathers
6. Come Ye Faithful Raise The Strain
7. The Water Is Wide
8. Do Lord
9. He Is Lord
10. Praise To The Lord
11. The King of Love
12. Michael Row The Boat Ashore
13. All Glory Laud And Honor
14. I Will Enter His Gates
15. Were You There?
16. All People That On Earth Do Dwell
17. Onward Christian Soldiers
18. Blessed Assurance
19. Amazing Grace
20. Praise And Thanksgiving
21. Children of The Heavenly father
22. How Firm A Foundation
23. Praise Him, Praise Him
24. All Hail The Power of Jesus’ Name
25. O Jesus I Have Promised
26. Let Us Break Bread Together
27. Come, Ye Thankful People Come
28. Praise Him
29. My Faith Looks Up To Thee
30. Come, Thou Almighty king
31. Hail Thou Once Despised Jesus
32. God Bless Our Native Land
33. This Is My Father’s World